For the equipment of aid for disability which was installed before the plaintiff brings the lawsuit, the indemnity amount may be determined on the basis of his actually paid expenses; 对于原告起诉时已经安装的残疾辅助器具,可依其已实际支付的费用确定赔偿数额;
Korea established a special organ that Center of Intellectual Property Protection Overseas to handle the problem of rights aid, and set up the subsidy project of trial and litigation costs, to provide economic support for Korean enterprise in overseas lawsuit, promote the economic development. 韩国成立了海外知识产权保护中心这样的专门机构负责维权援助的问题,并设立了审判及诉讼费用补贴项目,为韩国企业的知识产权海外维权提供保障,极大的促进了韩国经济的发展。